Why I Got Back With My Ex

Before anything else, absorb with your brains the list below…

School Pros:

  • Education and learning
  • Friends and social life
  • Allowance
  • Second home

School Cons:

  • Stress and exhaustion
  • Keeps you away from blogging for days

No seriously, for the past few days, I just arrive home, and drop dead (not literally). Then I wake up too early the next morning and lament for the things that I missed from the past night, such as:

  • Family bonding time
  • World Wide Web browsing time
  • Tv-watching time
  • PC-gaming time
  • Pooping time (I poo at night, leave me alone!)

After lamenting, I realize that I also missed homework-making time. So I do that thing called ‘homework’ then go to school.

This now brings us to the reason why I told you all these things in the first place:

Coffee and college students are best friends forever, maybe even soulmates. 

– Karla

So, dear coffee, sorry I abandoned you. I’m getting back together with you now…again.

Love, the girl who never learns.

One thought on “Why I Got Back With My Ex

  1. My Dear Coffee, I hate You, I hate You, I hate You.

    Just How and Why is it that You have been such a Friend to Karla and Others? Have I not loved You? It is True that I did not get to drink as much of You as I would have liked. But still what I ‘have’ drunk in these 68 years must fill a house sized water tank! So, what do You say to that? You are not of much use to me! Boo hoo!

    [As for college life, it was not bad, while it lasted. And college friends, don’t even know where they are. I came South, and they disappeared. Sigh, Sigh, Sigh!]

    Also, Haha.

    …Good post, my Dear Karla! Love and Regards. 🙂


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