Pet Peeves

I can’t believe that I’ll be going back to school in two days. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate school. I love it…but then again, I also hate it.  A love-hate relationship maybe? I love it because I’m very passionate about my major, and learning has never been this much fun for me before. I hate it because I can’t bear the stress sometimes.

I rarely get stressed because I can handle pressure quite well, but if I do get stressed, I want to punch everybody in the face.

Speaking of punching people in the face, I do that all the time, in my head though.


Don’t do it in real life, that’s rude.

Where am I going with this again? Oh right, my majestic list of pet peeves:

  1. When someone I’m eating with chews so loudly. 
  2. When someone in the cinema keeps on talking. I’m trying to enjoy an overpriced movie here, do you mind?
  3. When someone in the cinema keeps on using his (or her) phone. Again, I’m watching the movie. Your phone screen is distracting. You have five seconds to put it down or I’ll walk down there and I’ll throw it on the ground kindly ask you to turn it off.
  4. When someone comes in my room and doesn’t close the door when she leaves. I’m looking at you, sister.
  5. When my phone auto corrects native words into English. Stop it, you racist f*ck. (Karla, bad words are not allowed in this blog.) Okay I’m sorry.
  6. When I’m listening in class and my seatmate insists to keep on talking to me. I’m quite aware of how interesting I am, but now is not the best time.
  7. When a guy on the street whistles to me or any other girl around. I will cut your balls off and feed them to you.
  8. A slow computer. Never let me use one, I’m warning you.
  9. When someone sitting close is breathing loudly. I don’t want to kill you, so I’ll just move.
  10. When I’m forced to seat in class beside someone who clearly smokes. Whyyyyyyy…
  11. Everyone who doesn’t like Game of Thrones. We can still be friends, but I’ll still keep on talking about it even if you can’t relate. That will show you.
  12. People who won’t cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze.
  13. Lifeguards who whistle at everything. One more unreasonable whistle and I’ll throw my sunblock at you.
  14. Misbehaving kids in public. 
  15. People who are rude to waiters or waitresses. Being rude to someone who is serving you is enough reason for me to turn into hulk, pick you up with my incredible strength, and throw you out.

I should stop…now…or I might get carried away. Inhale, exhale. Good vibes in, bad vibes out.

Think of beautiful things: butterflies, rainbows, my face, weekends, Sean O’Pry, and chocolate.

Wow, really? A pet peeve list? This back to school is really making me…

How do you guys cope with this end-of-summer nonsense? I’m still in denial. Help me.

8 thoughts on “Pet Peeves

  1. Yes to all of these!! Especially being rude to waiters etc. I deliver Chinese food and omg people treat me like crap. You do realise I’m in charge of your food?! Although I personally don’t mess with people’s food, I know a lot of people that do. But if you’re rude to me I will remember and I will make sure you don’t get the free fortune cookies we give to customers, we’ll deliver your food last, and I will give you your change in as much silver as I can manage- if your change is £2.50 you’re going to get a whole lot of 5p’s 😛 But seriously guys, show us some respect!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg I didn’t know you deliver Chinese food! And people treat you like crap? I just hate seeing that, it gets on my nerve. I LOL-ed at the no-free-fortune-cookies, the last priority on delivery, and the many many coins for change haha XD

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yup, two years and still going strong (sort of! ) Haha, I’m so passive aggressive with customers! My manager loves it, and he gives me the fortune cookies that would have gone to the customer so I can eat them in the car and that makes me feel so much better 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree about the love hate relationship with school!! haha I am the complete opposite though when it comes to stress, I FREAK out when I can not get something right! lol Learning has def. ha never been this fun before! I do not start school back for a couple of more weeks but good luck this year.


    1. I get what you mean in not getting something right, it drives me crazy sometimes just staring at my code haha. Well hold on to your remaining weeks of summer 😉


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